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Leap 3 8 4 – Comprehensive File Management Application Sample

Leap includes a loupe tool to allow for the viewing of extra files information. The program is a glimpse of how other file organisation tools may operate in years to come, but for the time being it is more of a curiosity than a serious replacement for Finder. What's New in Version 3.8. Fix a bug with double drags on Leap and Yep. Both the counselor and the person seeking to participate in LEAP (see Appendix B for sample LEAP Certification form). A copy of the LEAP Certification form must be submitted to the State Personnel Board’s Examination Unit. Once the individual is eligible, the next step is to file an application to participate in a LEAP examination. The peak network traffic volume is expected at two times during the day: 8:00 a.m. To 12:00 noon and 3:00 p.m. At night and on weekends the network traffic is minimal except for the daily backups of the PCs to the LAN servers in the districts and several batch data transfers anticipated from the districts to the State Office.

LEAP, the Low-Income Energy Assistance Program, is a federally funded program that helps qualifying households by paying a portion of their heating costs. Applications are accepted November 1 - April 30 each year.

There are a few ways to apply for LEAP:

1. Visit Colorado PEAK and apply online.

2. Download a paper copy (available Nov. 1) and:

  • Fax the completed application to 1-855-830-3483
  • Mail it to:
    P.O. Box 39200
    Colorado Springs, CO 80949
  • Email it to LEAPHELP@discovermygoodwill.org

Find the LEAP application, as well as frequently asked questions, and other needed information here.

To receive help from LEAP, you must:

  • Be a US citizen or legal resident, or be part of a household with a legal resident
  • Pay heating costs to an energy company or as part of rent
  • Meet the income guidelines for the season. Guidelines are subject to change each LEAP season; be sure to check the guidelines on November 1 of each year if you are a returning applicant

If you are experiencing a heat emergency, we can help expedite your application. Visit us at the Richard T. Castro Human Services Center or call us at 720-944-4DHS (4347).

Additionally, you can call Energy Outreach Colorado at 1-866-HEAT-HELP for more options. Find more information online here.

Please make sure that you answer all questions on the application and provide all requested documentation/verification with your completed application. Make sure that you read, complete, sign and date where required. Failure to provide a complete application and submit required verification will delay the processing timeframe.

Leap 3 8 4 – Comprehensive File Management Application Sample Template

Continue paying your heating bill, as LEAP assistance will not pay your entire bill!

Save money while staying warm and cozy during Colorado’s frosty winter months by practicing these cold weather home energy tips from Energy Outreach Colorado.

1. Keep the heat in and the cold out of your home by banishing drafty air leaks. Use caulk and foam sealant to close cracks and gaps around leaky door and window frames, as well as where plumbing, ducting and electrical wiring come through walls.

Leap 3 8 4 – Comprehensive File Management Application Sample

2. Place a heavy duty, clear plastic sheet inside window frames to add an extra layer of heat insulation.

3. Open window coverings on west and south-facing windows during the day to take advantage of Colorado’s bright, sunny days to help heat your home.

4. Is a sweater in order? For every one degree you lower your thermostat, you save about 2% on your heating bill. Keep your thermostat around 68 degrees (health permitting, of course).

5. Install a programmable thermostat to automatically lower the temperature several degrees while you’re asleep or away, and save up to 10% more in heating costs.

6. To keep warm air from going up your chimney, check that the seal on the fireplace flue damper is tight and make sure it is closed unless a fire is burning.

7. Heating water amounts to about 18% of your energy use, so turn down the temperature of your water heater to the warm setting (120 degrees) and wash clothes in cold water.

8. To use less electricity, set your refrigerator temperature between 37 and 40 degrees and your freezer at 0 degrees. Bangla word download. Switch to LED light bulbs and unplug appliances and electronics when not in use.

9. If you or someone you know needs help paying a home energy bill, call toll-free 1-866-HEAT-HELP (1-866-432-8435) or go to EnergyOutreach.org for information. Lifeless planet 1 0.

10. And, if you or someone you know is left out in the cold because your furnace doesn’t work and you can’t afford to fix it, call toll-free 1-855-469-4328 to contact our Crisis Intervention Program.

Download a PDF version of these tips in:

Leap 3 8 4 – Comprehensive File Management Application Sample Letter

You May Also Find Helpful

The State of Colorado's LEAP website has more details on this program, including helpful instructions for applying.

Apply for LEAP online at Colorado PEAK.

Get Started »

To learn more about LEAP, call 1-866-HEAT-HELP (1-866-432-8435) or visit the Colorado Low-Income Energy Assistance Program website.

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Colorado PEAK

Leap 3 8 4 – Comprehensive File Management Application Sample Pdf

See if you're eligible and apply online for benefits, including food, cash, medical insurance, and early childhood assistance.

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Learn about the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and where to receive discounted groceries near you.


Main Office, Richard T. Castro Human Services Center
1200 Federal Blvd.
Denver, CO 80204

Customer Service

720-944-4DHS (4347)

Leap 3 8 4 – Comprehensive File Management Application Sample Form

If you need Colorado Relay/TTY services in Denver, please call 711. If you need Spanish-language relay services, please call 800-337-3242.

City Assistance

Call 3-1-1

Outside Denver:720-913-1311
Emergencies: 911
TTY Service: 720-913-8479



Sign up to stay in touch with Denver Human Services.

Leap 3 8 4 – Comprehensive File Management Application Sample
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